일렁이는 신룡의 피 치키/대사
I'm... Tiki... Will the scary dreams go away if I stay here? | わたし……チキ…もうこわいゆめ、みなくてすむの…? |
All alone, in a pitch-dark room... I've cried so many times, and that's why... I don't want to be alone anymore. | まっくらな部屋にひとりぼっちで……わたし何度も泣いたの。だから…もう、ひとりはイヤ…… |
I kept having scary dreams about the fire dragons and ice dragons... Will that happen to me too, one day? | 何度も、何度もこわいゆめを見たの。わたしも、あの、かわいそうな火竜や氷竜のようになってしまうの? |
If I stay here with all of you, I won't have those scary dreams anymore? Really? You mean it? | ここにみんなといれば、こわいゆめを見ない?信じていい? |
Everyone is so nice! I love them all! I want to live together with humans! | みんなやさしくて、大好き!チキ、人間のみんなといっしょにくらしたい! |
Ban-Ban took me to a human village. It was so warm and bright outside, and so much fun... | バヌトゥおじいちゃまが、人間の村に連れて行ってくれたの。お外は明るくて、たのしかった…… |
친구 방문
Will you play with me? I came here from [Friend]'s castle! | ね、チキとあそぶ?[フレンド]さんの城から来たの! |
레벨 업
Gotoh said no dragon would compare to me if I ever got angry. | チキが怒ったら、どんな竜もかなわない。司祭様がそう言ってたの。 |
Please... I don't want to be alone anymore. Ban-Ban, Mar-Mar... | もうひとりはイヤ……おじいちゃま……おにいちゃん…… |
Huh? Oh, I'm so sorry. I guess I couldn't do it quite right... | あれ…? ごめんね。チキ、うまくできなかったみたい… |
Wow... Even though I'm a dragon, everyone is so nice to me! | わぁ……うれしいの!人はみんなやさしくて好き! |
5성 40레벨 달성
The White Sage, Gotoh, told me to stay asleep for as long as I could, but the dreams... They were terrifying... I would turn into a monster, just like those poor fire and ice dragons, and then I'd start attacking humans! I'd scream and wake up, only to find I was still in that pitch-dark room. ...I used to cry, all the time. I had this feeling that every time I fell asleep, I got closer to becoming a monster... I was so scared. But then, Mar-Mar came. He said that the Binding Shield would protect me. That I could go outside. I won't become a monster, and I don't want to go back. So, can I stay here with everyone? Please? | できるだけ眠っていなさいって言われたの。司祭様……ガトー様に。でも、横になると、こわいゆめを見るの。 わたしも、けものになってしまうゆめ。あの、かわいそうな火竜や氷竜のように…そして、人間をおそって殺してしまうの! 悲鳴をあげて、目をさます。まっくらな部屋で。…わたし、いつも泣いてたの。 眠るたび、わたしもけものに近づいていく。そんな気がして……こわいの。でも、そんなの……ぜったいイヤ! でもね、マルスおにいちゃんが来てくれた。封印の盾がチキを守ってくれるって。お外に出てもいいんだって…… だから、わたしもう神殿には帰らないの。けものにもならない。みんなと一緒にいたい……いいでしょう? |
- | それっ |
- | もー! |
- | きゃあっ! |
- | ひどい… |
오의 발동
Now I'm angry! | もうおこった! |
I said no! | だめなんだから! |
I will get you! | やっつけちゃうよ! |
You asked for it! | おしおきだよ! |
Where's Mar-Mar... | おにいちゃん…ごめんね… |
- | ふふっ |
I can stay here with all of you, can't I? | チキ、これからもみんなといっしょにいられるよね? |
*surprised* You were teasing me just now, weren't you? | わあっ!? あーっ、チキにいたずらしたでしょ? |
Thanks to Mar-Mar, I can be up and about! No more sleeping. | マルスのおにいちゃんのおかげで、チキ、眠らなくていいんだって! |
I can't stop smiling... I want to do things! Lots and lots of things! | えへへ、うれしいな。チキ、やりたいことたっくさんあるんだ! |
Would you play hide-and-seek with me? Great, you're it! Hee hee! | ねえ、かくれんぼしよ? あなたが鬼ね! |
I want to eat some of Ban-Ban's pickled vegetables... | バヌトゥおじいちゃまのおつけものが食べたいな… |
I can stay with you forever! Isn't that amazing! | あなたとも、ずーっといっしょにいられるね! チキ、うれしい! |
아군 턴 터치
You've got it! | わかったよ! |
Which way? | どっちかな? |
I promise I'll behave. | チキ、いいこでしょ? |