신룡의 자각 치키/대사


*yawn* ...Oh, did you call for me? I am Tiki, inheritor of the blood and soul of the Divine Dragon, Naga.…っ……あなたが私を呼んだの…?私は………そう、私はチキ。神竜ナーガの血と魂を宿す者。

These clothes take me back to my childhood. Although, I believe Lucina once got me something similar...子どもの頃の服か……そういえば以前、ルキナが用意してくれたことがあったわね。
"Naga, god of light, appears as a young girl, and Salamander, god of fire, takes the form of an old man..."
Hehe, they certainly sound familiar.
People worship dragons as gods, but we are neither ageless nor immortal.竜といっても不老不死ではないわ。人は竜を神と崇めるけれど…人が思い描くような神ではないの。
The blood of dragons, shared with the people, helped fan the flames of war... There are worlds like that, too.人々に分け与えられた竜の血が争いをさらに激しいものにした。そんな世界もあるのね……
Wearing these clothes, I am reminded of the days I spent with Mar-Mar and the others so very long ago...この衣装を着ていると、思い出すわ。いちばん楽しかったあの頃……マルス……おにいちゃんたちのこと……

친구 방문

I'm Tiki, a manakete. This is from your friend [Friend].私はマムクートのチキ。[フレンド]から贈り物よ。[召喚師]へ。

레벨 업

I know what I am capable of now, which is why I will warn you—do not force me to take this seriously.いまの私は自分の力がわかる。だから、あなたたちへ言っておきます。――本気にさせないで。
Is this all right?このくらいでいい?
Sorry, I think... *yawn* ...I might be getting sleepy again.は……ふわぁあ……ごめんなさい、また眠気が強く……


Thaaa— *yawn* ...Thank you. Would you mind if I take a little nap?あ……ありがとう……ふぅ…すこし、眠ってきてもいいかしら。

5성 40레벨 달성

Summoner, do you have a moment? There is something I would like to ask you. Do you...believe in reincarnation?
Ah, the look on your face tells me all I need to know. I suppose that is normal in this world.
There is a reason I ask, of course. We Heroes may be but echoes from other worlds and even times.
To draw upon the power of those echoes... Well, I suppose the desire to save others can take many forms.
When you live for three thousand years, it becomes difficult to not wonder about such things.
There are no coincidences. Only fate.
If that fate has an architect, I have yet to meet them. So, shall we seek it? Together, to a world yet unknown.





오의 발동

Do not trouble me!あっちへいって
Out of the way!邪魔よ…
Step by step!進まなきゃ…
I'll protect you all!みんなのため…


I'm so sorry...ごめん…なさい…


As I dreamt, I heard so many voices calling my name...眠っていたら、大勢の人が呼ぶ声が聞こえた気がして…
Huh? What? I'm awake! Can't you tell?…? なに? まだ眠っていると思った?
My age? Now that's a secret!私がいくつかって? …それは秘密。
Ever since I've come to Askr, I've met rather a lot of people! So many of them are dear to me now.アスク王国に来て、友達と呼べる相手がいっぱいできたわ。
*long yawn* Oh, sorry, sorry. I am a bit sleepy.ふわぁあ…。ごめんなさい。今は少し眠いの…
This is one dream that I would like to keep having for as long as I can.できるだけ長く…この夢を……
I'm so used to being left behind... Even so, I do want to stay here with you.置いて行かれるのは慣れてる…それでもあなたと一緒にいたい。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.いいわ
Leave it to me!任せて

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