싸움의 열사 미스티라/대사


I'm Timerra, crown princess of Solm. I'll sing a song to celebrate arriving in this world! Lalala! Nice to meet you!ソルム王国第一王女ミスティラ。この世界に来た記念に、歌います!ラララ~♪ みんなよろしくね~♪

The Order of Heroes' structure and attitude is a lot like Solm's Sentinels. I hope to learn a lot while I'm here!特務機関の構成や任務への姿勢、ソルムの自警団に通ずるものがあるわ。折角だし、いろいろ学ばせて貰おうっと。
I've always behaved with the dignity of a princess... I dance, camp, make new friends, and cook meat!元の世界では勿論、王女らしく上品に…お肉を焼いたり、歌ったり、野宿をしたり、民たちと友達になったりしてたよ!
I've made perfectly cooked, golden-brown meat! It's all yours, since you always do your best!見て見て、こんがり黄金色のお肉!この焼き加減は滅多にお目にかかれないよ。いつも頑張ってるあなたに、あげるね!
My spear's a gift from my brother. I'll never lose a battle with it, and it'll be a national treasure of Solm someday!あたしの槍は絶対に折れない!愛する弟から預かったものだからね。常勝の槍にして、ソルムの国宝にするの。
I'm good with faces and names, so I won't forget the Heroes I met here. I won't forget you either, Summoner.あたし、人の顔や名前を覚えるの得意なの。ここで出会った英雄たちは忘れないわ。当然、召喚師たるあなたのこともね。

친구 방문

This castle is wonderful! I'm gonna sing a song about it. Oh! And here's a note from [Friend]!チャオ! こっちのお城も素敵だね。[フレンド]からの挨拶、そしてあたしからの友好の歌をどうぞ!

레벨 업

Achievements like this deserve a party. So let's make sure to get back safely.喜ぶべき成果ね。必ず無事に帰りましょう。
Expect no less from the princess of Solm! Ha! Just joking. But it is cool how strong I am.ソルム王女として当然でございます。なんてね。
Ouch. Oh well, I guess these things happen.仕方ない。こういうこともあるよね!


I feel great! Like I've just eaten some delicious meat! Thanks, Summoner!美味しいお肉を食べた時みたいな気分!召喚師様~ありがとね~♪

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm cooking up some meat for you as a symbol of my gratitude and trust!
If I'm honest, I wasn't sure I trusted you at first. I worried about why you were summoning so many Heroes.
But, after spending time with you, I understand you're forging bonds so you can bring peace.
I saw the Divine Dragon do the same. I know bonds rid us of the darkness. We'll part ways eventually, but...
I'm totally devoted to helping you in... Look! The meat is done cooking! This will be a taste you'll never forget!





오의 발동

Let's have some fun!あたしと遊ぼう!
Bye-bye now!アディオス!
You're done!討伐しちゃう!
A one, and a two!勝利の歌を!


I let my guard down...油断…しちゃったかな……


For my seventh song, a little ditty called "Ode to the Askran Trees." ♪O Askran trees... Your bark and leaves... ♪らんらんら~♪ これはね、アスクの風景に感激した歌第七番、だよ!
Ow! If you want to get my attention, you don't have to poke so hard!わっ! そんなに主張しなくても、仲良くなりたいって気持ちは伝わってるのに!
This weapon was a gift from Fogado. I love it so much!この武器は愛する弟、フォガートに貰ったの。大切な、あたしの宝物!
My country, the queendom of Solm, has held on to Emblem Ike's ring for generations.我がソルム王国には、紋章士アイクの宿る指輪が託されていたの。
Hey, can you use those summoning powers of yours to make a nice steak appear? Come on, at least try!召喚師って、こんがり焼いたお肉とかも召喚できるの? ちょっとやってみてよ!
I like hearing how other nations do things. Who knows, maybe I'll pick up some new ideas.ここは色んな国の話が聞けて楽しいな、情報は多いに越したことはないってね。
When I'm tired, there are two things that help me wake up: yummy food, and singing as loud as I possibly can. Wanna join me?あなたは疲れた時、休みたい? それともパーッと騒ぎたい?休みたいなら美味しい物を用意するし、騒ぎたいならトコトン付き合うよ!

아군 턴 터치

Ready for anything!どこへでも!
We're moving!旅に出よう!

캐릭터 페이지로