수난의 뇌희 티니/대사
I am Tine. I know I can fight, if that is what you wish of me. | ティニー……です。私も戦えると思います。あなたが望まれるなら…… |
Hilda...I will never forgive the things you did to Mother! | ヒルダ……ティルテュ母様の仇……! |
I don't think my uncle, Bloom, or my cousins, Ishtar and Ishtore, were ever truly bad people... | ブルーム伯父様やイシュタル姉様、それにイシュトー兄様は悪い人ではなかったわ…… |
My cousins, Ishtore and Ishtar, were always very kind to me. I don't believe they really wanted to fight. | イシュトー兄様もイシュタル姉様も私に優しくして下さいました。戦いなど望まれていなかったはずなのに… |
I... I will fight if I must. I'll do it to avenge my mother's death! | 私は…戦います。戦って、母様の無念を晴らします。 |
This pendant is a cherished memento of my mother. | このペンダントは母様の形見なの。 |
친구 방문
My name is Tine... I've come on behalf of [Friend]. | 私、ティニーです…[フレンド]さんから預かってきました… |
레벨 업
Mother... Help me to be strong too! | お母様……私も強くなります…! |
I do not wish to fight, but I will do so to protect what's right. | ごめんなさい…戦いたくはないのだけど…… |
I-I'm sorry... | ご、ごめんなさい…… |
Mother, watch over me. I will make sure Hilda is punished! | お母様、見ていて下さい。ヒルダは私が殺します! |
5성 40레벨 달성
I don't have many memories of my mother, but I remember that she always seemed sad. I didn't realize how terribly Hilda was treating her... But that's no excuse. When was I reunited with my brother, Arthur, I felt ashamed. Mother had protected me while she suffered. Still, I don't believe that my cousins, Ishtore and Ishtar, were ever false in their kindness to me. Even now, there are times I don't know what to do. How do I know what's right? Do you know? | 母様の記憶は、あまりないけど、いつも悲しげだったのはおぼえています。 ヒルダからどんな扱いを受けていたのか、私にはわかっていなかった……でも、それは言い訳にならない。 アーサー兄様と再会したとき、私は恥ずかしかった。目をつぶって、甘えていた自分が…… それでも、イシュトー兄様やイシュタル姉様の優しさに嘘はなかったと思うの…… 今でもときどき、わからなくなる。何が、どうすることが正しいのか……あなたには、わかりますか? |
やっ | |
たあっ |
きゃあっ | |
そんな…! |
오의 발동
Forgive me! | ごめんなさい… |
Please stop this! | もうやめてください! |
I do not want to fight. | こんな戦いなど… |
If this is what you wish... | 望まれるなら… |
Mother... I'll see you again. | ティルテュ母さま…… |
Hehe... | ふふ… |
I'm Tine. Have you met Arthur? He's my brother. | ティニーです。アーサーの妹の。 |
Huh? You must have me confused with someone else. | きゃっ…? もう、わたしを誰かと間違えたの? |
Friege may be my home, but I don't feel any fondness for it. Maybe that will change someday. | フリージは祖国だけど、あまりいいイメージはないの。 |
Hilda held a grudge against my mother. And now my mother is dead. | ヒルダは母さまを目の敵にして…母さまは亡くなったわ。 |
This pendant? It's a memento. I carry it always. | このペンダント? 母さまの形見よ。 |
Mother, watch over me. I will make Hilda regret what she did to us! | お母さま、見ていてください。ヒルダは私が殺します!! |
I wish I could have met you sooner. | わたし、あなたにもっと早く会いたかったわ。 |
아군 턴 터치
I will. | ええ |
What do you need? | どうすれば… |
Watch over me. | 見ていてください |