악몽의 스카비오사/대사


I am Triandra. I come from the land of your nightmares, and nightmares are all I have to offer.私は悪夢のスカビオサ…私が見せるのは悪い夢よ…誰も幸せにはできない…

This is the land called Askr, then. It is full of kindness. I do not belong.この国は、アスク王国…平和で、優しい人たちがいて…私には不釣り合いな場所ね。
Dökkálfheimr is a realm of nightmare. When people wake from nightmares, they are usually relieved.
"Just a dream," they say...
...Stop looking at me.…? どうして、私を見ているの。何も面白いことなんてありはしないわ。
Our world exists only because people have nightmares... Dökkálfheimr was born from dreaming mortals...人が悪夢を見るから悪夢の国が生まれた…スヴァルトアルフは夢見る人間たちが生み出したもの…
There is a mortal I always dreamed of killing. Such a dream must make me despicable to you...私にはずっと殺したい相手がいた…人を殺すのが夢だなんて…きっと軽蔑されるでしょうね。

친구 방문

My name is Triandra. I am from the nightmare realm and bring terror care of [Friend].私は悪夢のスカビオサ…[フレンド]のもとから悪夢を届けに来たわ…

레벨 업

Yes, I remember... I need power to protect her...あの子を守る力が欲しかった…そう思い出したわ…
I am nightmare...私は悪夢のスカビオサ…
Whose bad dream is this?まるで悪い夢を見ているようね…


Thank you. You are kinder than I deserve.ありがとう…あなたは私にも優しいのね。

5성 40레벨 달성

What were you like as a child? Strong? Weak?
I was weak, and I realized one truth: A weak person can do nothing.
Kind and virtuous people are crushed under the heel of the malicious.
Without strength, you cannot protect what you care about. I had to do what I did. For her. To protect her...
I apologize for bringing this up so suddenly. I'm not sure why I'm telling you any of this in the first place...
I suppose I want someone to know me...someone to understand.




...can't be...そんな…

오의 발동

If it's a nightmare you want...こわいゆめなら…
There is no hope.希望はないわ
You will never awaken.二度と覚めない
This is your nightmare.あなたに悪夢を


And now, I sleep.眠りに…つくのね…


And again.もう一度…
Nightmares unending.悪夢は終わらない…
I am Triandra… of dökkálfheimr.私はスカビオサ……スヴァルトアルフの黒妖精。
*annoyed gasp* What are your intentions?きゃっ…!? な、何をするつもり…?
For mortals, nightmares are bitter, even painful... I'll never have the chance to make anyone happy...人間にとって、悪夢は辛く苦しいもの…悪夢の妖精は、誰も幸せにできない…
I once had a sister I loved very much... Didn't I?私には…大切な妹がいた…そんな気がするの…
Cursed with a dökkálfr as an ally? Unlucky.私みたいな妖精につきまとわれて…あなたもとんだ災難ね。

아군 턴 터치

All right.ええ
Sleep well.おやすみなさい
As you direct.どこへでも…

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