어둠에 춤추는 창아 우르슬라/대사


I am Ursula, the Blue Crow... I have value. I will...prove it to you.私は【蒼鴉】のウルスラ…私は価値ある存在…それを…証明してあげるわ…

Lady Sonia takes no interest in pathetic failures. So...I will continue to win. No one will get in my way.ソーニャ様は負け犬には興味がない…だから…私は…勝ち続けるのよ。誰にも…邪魔はさせないわ…
The Black Fang belong to Lady Sonia. Yes... They will offer up their lives to fulfill her every...last...wish.【黒い牙】はもうソーニャ様のもの…ソーニャ様の…望みを叶えるために【黒い牙】は命を捧げるの…
Something strange about me? Nonsense! Do your eyes take pleasure in deceiving you?私の様子が…おかしい?なにを馬鹿なことを…おかしいのはあなたの目ではなくて…?
Useless people...do not deserve to live. Yes... Why don't I clean up this mess? I can just kill all of them...役立たずに…生きる資格はないわ。そうね…始末してしまいましょう。みんな…殺せばいいのだから…
Failure is unacceptable. Must...be perfect. Hehehe, yes... Lady Sonia... My only joy is in serving you.失敗は許されない…つねに完璧を…ふふ、ふふふ…ああ、ソーニャ様…あなたに仕える私は幸せですわ…

친구 방문

Are you truly worthy of existence, you...sworn friend of [Friend]?[フレンド]の盟友[召喚師]…あなたは…価値のある存在なのかしら?

레벨 업

Oh, the joy of serving a perfect being... To deny it...is foolish.完璧な存在に仕える喜び…それを否定するとは…愚かね…
All I need to do is...dispose of the useless... Yes, that is all. Hehehe...役立たずは…始末する…それだけのことよ。
This... This will not measure up to Lady Sonia's expectations.こんなことでは…ソーニャ様のご期待に応えられない…


Yes... I shall please Lady Sonia even more with this power!ああ! この力があれば…ソーニャ様にもっと喜んでいただける…!

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you know the joy of being chosen, [Summoner]?
Everyone...yearns for perfection. It is a natural desire, to be without faults... To be perfect. But it is pointless...
There is but one perfect person who already exists. Serving this person... That is the only suitable desire.
Hehehe... I dare you to understand it! There is joy to be had in servitude.
It is an honor to be chosen. It is what gives my life...value.
I...will never be a failure. I will devote my life to Lady Sonia, forever... Ahahaha!





오의 발동

So useless.役立たずね…
Shall I dispose of you?始末しなきゃ…




*chuckle* What do you mean, what's the matter with me? I'm the same as ever.どうしたのかって…? 私はいつも通りよ…ふふ……
Bold of you, to lay a hand on me...あら…? 私に触るなんて…馴れ馴れしいのね…
Only a few are chosen. The rest are simply...refuse.選ばれた人間なんてほんの一握り…あとはクズばっかり……
Nino? Ah, yes... That insipid child.ニノ…? ああ、あの役立たずのバカな子ね…
All will be as you desire, most gracious Lady Sonia...お優しいソーニャ様…すべてはあなたのお望みの通りに…
I will never be a failure. Never.私は負け犬にはならないわ…。決して……
Prove to me that you are worthy...あなたが価値ある人間であることを、私に証明してみせて…

아군 턴 터치


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