창아 우르슬라/대사


I am the feared Blue Crow. You may call me Ursula. I...sense perfection in you. You have my loyalty.私は【蒼鴉】のウルスラ…あなたは、私が服従するにふさわしい完璧な人かしら…?

The castle has terrible defenses. With all these travelers from other worlds, what would happen if...
You know, if ONE was an assassin? A treacherous one, I mean!
I was once ordered to assassinate Eliwood, a noble of Pherae. But I must admit that I didn't succeed.
Rare for me to let my lessers... get in my way.
I find you perfect in so many ways and so wonderful to serve. But if you get too tired...?
Well, I'm just saying that your flaws would start to show. And we CAN'T have that.
I belong to the Black Fang, a group of assassins. I'm among their very elite, known as the Four Fangs.
I'd be the weakest of the four in a direct fight. But what assassin worth her salt is EVER direct?
Now, you keep striving for absolute perfection in all things, and I'll follow you to the ends of the world.あなたが優れた存在である限り、私はあなたに絶対の服従を誓うわ。どんな命令でも、喜んで…

친구 방문

Ah. I was sent to say hello by— Hmm. Nice army here. I wonder how long it'd take me to finish them off...代理で挨拶に立ち寄ったけど…ふうん…ここの軍と私たち、殺し合ったらどちらが勝つかしらね…?

레벨 업

Ha ha! Perfection!ふふ…完璧ね。
Heh. Not bad.ふふ…悪くないわね。
I live for perfection. This... won't do.役立たずは…死ぬべきね…


In gratitude, I'll be delighted to slay anyone for you.ふふっ、ありがとう。お礼に何人殺せばいいかしら…?

5성 40레벨 달성

You may have gleaned that I will serve only a perfect master, [Summoner].
I have no friendship to offer you. Nor will I take any. It would be an insult to the both of us.
Why, what are two friends but a pair of failures who've merely agreed to cover for each other?
I give you my loyalty because you're worthy. You don't battle, but your tactics are exquisite!
I will say that if you falter, even in the slightest, you do know how our little arrangement ends, right?
Hmm, yes, I think you do. Then best you make yourself productive. The Blue Crow...is watching.





오의 발동

Are you afraid to die?死ぬのは、こわい?
Sweet dreams.お眠りなさい
Let's savor this moment!ね、あなた…


Not I...…っ…く…そんな…


Oh? Do you require my services?私に御用かしら?
Never poke an assassin. Lest she...poke you.ふふっ、命知らずね
Ursula, Blue Crow... No matter the name, the end is still the same.【蒼鴉】(そうあ)…青いカラスが私の名
All you need do is point at someone. That person will simply...disappear.命令なら、誰でも殺してあげるわ
The light of day is ghastly. Don't you agree?日の当たる場所は苦手なの…
Perfection...or oblivion. Really, it's quite obvious.…失敗には死…当然のことね
Serving you...has its delights.あなたに仕えるのは悪くないわね

아군 턴 터치

As you wish.なんなりと

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Sleep tight!おやすみなさい
A perfect nightmare.悪夢を見なさい
Sleep forever!覚めない眠りへ…
Your final lullaby.子守歌よ

패배 - 신장

The shadows call...私が…眠るの…?

상태창 - 신장

So you gift me the garb of a dökkálfr... It appears I'm not the only one with good taste.私に妖精の衣装なんて、あなたもいい趣味してるわね。
Hm? Did you think I would follow your command simply because you gave me new clothes?ん…? 新しい服を贈ったくらいで私が手に入ると思った?
The dökkálfar are like fairies who dance in the shadows and deliver nightmares... I suppose I can see the resemblance.夜を舞う悪夢の妖精…私と似ているのかしら。
Assassinations would be remarkably simple if I could actually fly. How unfortunate that I cannot.本当に空を飛べたら、暗殺だって楽なのにね。
Useless fools deserve a nightmare or two.役立たずのクズどもには悪夢がお似合いよ。
Were I to fail my mission dressed like this... I'd be quite a pretty sight.こんな格好で失敗でもしたら…道化もいいところね…
Is our time together a blissful dream? Or is it something else entirely?あなたと過ごすこの時間は幸福な夢なのかしら? それとも…

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

If I must.いいわね
Are you asleep?何をお望み?
Into the nightmare.夢の中へ

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