여름날의 창아 우르슬라/대사


I am Ursula, one of the elite Four Fangs. I selected this outfit in order to lower my target's guard.【黒い牙】の【四牙】の一人…ウルスラよ。この格好…標的を油断させるにはうってつけね。

I don't usually care for bright, sunlit places, but...I suppose they're not all that bad, are they?日の当たる場所は好きではないけれど…意外と悪くないじゃない。
If Lady Sonia were here, I can only imagine what sort of incredible swimsuit she would wear... Heehee...ソーニャ様がここにいらしたらさぞ見事な水着姿を披露してくれるでしょうね…ふふっ。
A chilled drink is very nice on such a hot day... Thank you for the idea.この冷たい飲み物はあなたが用意してくれたのかしら?ええ、悪くない選択だわ。
Mind where you rest your eyes... You wouldn't want to lose them.その無遠慮な視線…見るのは勝手だけど代償は高くつくわよ。
I prefer to avoid the sun whenever I can help it... How much sunscreen oil is too much?日に焼けるのは趣味じゃないの。この香油を塗ってくれるかしら?身体の隅々まで、完璧にね。

친구 방문

I'm here to tell you about the perfect vacation spot, courtesy of your friend [Friend].貴方が[召喚師]ね。[フレンド]は完璧な休暇の最中よ。

레벨 업

I usually prefer to stick to the shadows, but...目立つのは好きではないけれど。
Is this summer sun getting hotter still, or is it just me?もっと熱くなってもいいのかしら?
...This is why I detest the sunlight.…これだから陽のあたる場所は嫌いよ。


I approve. With this, I'll be able to enjoy summer even more.いい選択ね。さらに夏を楽しめそう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Half measures are one thing that I simply cannot stand. I demand perfection in all things.
Not only do I expect perfection from others, but I seek to model it myself.
I tell you this because...I want you to know you will get only flawlessness from me. You have my word.
That is...you have my word so long as you continue to prove you are deserving, of course.
At the moment, though, I am duly satisfied with your command. Just... see that you don't disappoint me.





오의 발동

Are you afraid to drown?溺れるのは、こわい?
Sweet release...沈みなさいな
Playtime's over.遊びは終わり
You're pretty good...あなたがいいわ…


How unfortunate...…残念…ね…


For every mission, the perfect outfit.ウルスラよ。任務のためとはいえ…随分大胆な衣装ね。
If you want my loyalty, show me the extent of your perfection.きゃっ… 私が欲しいのなら、もっと完璧でいてもらおうかしら。
An outfit like this can be quite useful on an assassination mission… Just so you know.知ってるかしら? こういう格好の方が、暗殺には向いてるの。
Hm... Just what exactly is on your mind, I wonder...あら…私のどこを見ているのかしら?
I am not well suited to sunlight... I prefer sticking to the shadows.夏の日差しより…日陰の方が性にあってるわ。
Perfection must be maintained in all things. Failure cannot be tolerated...…どんな格好でも…失敗は許されない…
Never show any imperfection, and I'll never take advantage of it.あなたに服従してあげるわ。あなたが完璧でいる限りね…

아군 턴 터치

By your command.お望みのままに
To the shadows...日陰はどこ?

캐릭터 페이지로