고아단려의 창아 우르슬라/대사


I am Ursula. As you can see, I am studying the magic of Khadein. I hope that I meet your expectations.私はウルスラ。このとおり、魔道を学んでおります。思し召しにかなえば幸いですわ。

All these scholars gathered to study... Noisy, aren't they? Irritating.学究の徒が集う魔道学院……騒がしい場所は好きではないのだけれど。
Though this is a different world, the essence of magic is the same. I must report this to Lord Nergal.異なる世界とはいえ、魔道の本質は等しい。主への報告が増えました。
None in the Black Fang could match my magical talent, but perhaps the mages of Khadein will come close.こと魔道の才にかけては【黒い牙】でも一頭地を抜くと自負しているけれど。カダインの魔道、どれほどのものかしら…?
I can't seem to reach the highest shelf... Would you mind helping me? You'd make the perfect footstool.その書架の奥にある箱を取りたくて――下で脚立を押さえていただけますか?そう、そこを……お上手ですわ。
What do you need? I'm quite busy with my surveillance duties.ご用件は何でしょうか。私は監視の任務で忙しいのです。

친구 방문

I was tasked with delivering the "eternal regards" of your friend [Friend]. That was it.[フレンド]の使いでご挨拶に伺いました。末永くよろしくとの仰せです――

레벨 업

Let us dedicate this victory to Lady Sonia! Her perfection is the shining example I strive for!この勝利を我が主へ捧げましょう。主の完璧さは輝きを増し、私も共に……さらなる高みへと!
This was a worthwhile learning experience. Now for the next one.よい学びとなりました。引き続きご鞭撻のほど――
I can offer no excuse. Results are what matter.言い訳などしません。結果が全てです。


I don't wish to take in impure power, but... It would be unnatural for me to refuse. I will accept this—for now.不純な力を紛れさせたくはないのですが…ここで断るのも不自然。いまは静かに受け取っておきましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hello, Summoner. I am always happy to hear from you... So tell me, do you like this outfit?
Ah, but I suppose you're too busy wondering why I came all this way, dressed like this, no less.
What am I plotting? What is my true mission here? Given my history, those questions are only natural.
Still, there is no need to be so guarded. Relax, for you are not my target. At least...not today.
Truth be told, I am simply here out of curiosity. What is it that YOU desire? Not that I would fulfill it, of course.
Instead, I will show you exactly why the Blue Crow's skills shone as the greatest among the Black Fang.
I once served beauty and power, but now... I serve you. So, enough of that blank look. I demand awe.





오의 발동

Just give up already.おどきなさい
You think we're equals?敵うと思った?
Out of my sight, filth.格が違うのよ
This is child's play.子供の遊びね


This is not possible…うそよ…私が…?


You have my thanks for the invitation. This festival should prove quite fruitful.ご招待ありがとう。なかなか有益そうなお祭りね。
At least try to make sure your naiveté does not get you killed.まあ…。その無邪気さが命取りにならないといいわね。
No amount of effort by human refuse can lead to improvement.努力したところでクズはクズ…
Being able to wield magic this powerful is proof that I was chosen to lead.優れた魔道を扱えるのも、選ばれた人間だからよ。
Now then, who do I have to kill around here to get my hands on a powerful tome?さて、誰を殺せば強力な魔道が手に入るのかしら…?
Lady Sonia... I will become like you...ソーニャ様…私もあなたのように…
I'll remain loyal…as long as you keep striving for perfection.私に見限られないように、これからも励むことね。

아군 턴 터치

What is it you want?どうしてほしい?
Don't blink.見せつけてあげる

캐릭터 페이지로