늑대인간 소녀의 정월 벨루어/대사


Nice to meet you. I'm Velouria. Oh, I'm supposed to wish you Happy New Year too, right?はじめまして、わたしはベロア。ここは、明けましておめでとうと言っておくべきでしょうか。

This outfit is...actually nice, I'll admit. But a stain or maybe some twigs and leaves stuck on it couldn't hurt.この装束…実にいい感じですね。毛玉や小枝や葉っぱがついていればもっといいのですが…
I don't know why Hoshido wants to have outdoor parties on New Year's. It's so much warmer inside...お正月…白夜王国はこのような催しで年の初めを祝うのですか。寒いから部屋にいたいのですが。
I went to the shrine to make my New Year's wish. What was it? To spend more time with Daddy, of course.初詣というものに行ってきました。願い事? もちろん、今年もパパと仲良くできるようにとお願いしました。
I've heard that children get special gifts on New Year's. You can give me mine now, [Summoner].[召喚師]…子どもは「お年玉」というものをもらえると聞きました。遠慮なく受け取りますよ?
Is that... *sniff sniff*... roasted mochi I smell? Mmm...くんくん…この香ばしい匂いはお餅という食べ物を焼いてますね。

친구 방문

I'm Velouria. Can I smell your castle? *sniff sniff*... Hmm...different from [Friend]'s, but good.くんくん…わたしはベロアといいます。[フレンド]の城からきました。ここは…いい匂いがします。

레벨 업

Oh, it's like finding a hairball on the side of the road! This year is going to be great.今年は素敵なものを拾える気がします。道ばたに大きな毛玉が落ちているとか。
I'm off to a good start this year. Daddy is sure to be impressed.今年のわたしは一味違いますね。あとでパパに褒めてもらいましょう。
It's too cold out for this. Should have stayed home with my treasures...こんな寒い日は部屋で宝物を眺めていたいです…。


If you really want to give it away... I guess I can take it off your hands.もらえるのでしたら遠慮なく。お正月は気前がいいですね。

5성 40레벨 달성

According to Selkie, the people of Hoshido say that New Year's Day is the key to the rest of the year.
I like the idea of setting goals for the year from the start. I think that makes a lot of sense.
So here's what I decided I'm going to do, [Summoner].
I'm going to spend each day this year searching every corner of Askr for all the very best dust bunnies.
What? Hey, if I got a dust bunny for each time someone reacted like that, I'd already have a huge collection.
So if you think about it, in a way, it's sort of your fault I spend so much time collecting dust bunnies, isn't it?


I will defeat you.倒します


So stubborn...しぶといです…

오의 발동

Let's party!おめでたいです
Gimme cash!お年玉ください
Happy New Year!謹賀新年です
Almost nap time!寝て過ごしたいのに…


Not a good year after all...幸先悪いです…


Woken up early AND I gotta wear these fancy things? Bleah.今日は朝早く起されて、こんな面倒な服を着せられてしまいました…
Does my outfit look all right? Would you straighten it up a bit?…どこかおかしいところがありましたか? 直してくれると助かります。
*sniff* You smell that? We're gonna eat it later!くんくん…美味しそうな匂いがします…お正月のご馳走でしょうか…
I found lots of treasures during my big clean. So many dust bunnies!大掃除をしたときに、たくさん宝物が見つかりました。うっとりです…
Everybody's taking a break for New Year's. I can play with ANYBODY today!お正月はみんなお休みで、面倒くさいことがなくて最高ですね。
Daddy's wearing a kimono too! He looks so handsome!パパも着物を着ているんです。とっても素敵です…
My New Years' resolution is to get more scratches behind the ears.今年もたくさん…わたしをモフモフしてくださいね…

아군 턴 터치

What now?こうですか?
Back to work.初仕事です

캐릭터 페이지로