상냥한 용 베일/대사


Sorry for showing up unannounced. My name is Veyle. I'll try to help you however I can.わたしはヴェイル。突然来ちゃってごめんなさい。あなたの役に立てるよう頑張るわ。

That owl is so adorable. And its plumage is the same color as my clothes! Er, is that odd for me to say?広間にいるフクロウさん、すごくかわいい。真っ白な羽がわたしの服とお揃いね。って、そんなこと言ったら迷惑かな…
Before I came here, I was on a search for my kin, and I kept waking up in unfamiliar places.
Thankfully, that hasn't happened since I came to this world.
Is there anything I can assist with? I like to be helpful, so don't hesitate to ask if you need something.何かお手伝いできることはない?わたし、誰かの役に立つのが好きなの。いつでも遠慮なく頼ってほしいわ。
So there are other dragon Heroes? I'd like to learn more about them— their lives, their pasts...ここには竜族の英雄もいるのね。彼らに話を聞いてみたい…どう生まれたか、そして、どう生きてきたのかを。
Sorry for hiding. I thought you might not want to be seen standing next to someone like me.隠れちゃってごめんなさい。あなたはすごい人だって聞いて、つい。わたしなんかが隣にいていいのかなって。

친구 방문

Hello. My name is Veyle, and I have a gift from your friend. I hope you and [Friend] stay close!こんにちは、わたしはヴェイル。これ、[フレンド]から!二人はずっと、仲良しのお友達でいてね。

레벨 업

My wish for the future is what keeps me going.わたしには夢がある…だから強くなれるのよ。
This power isn't for hurting. It's for protecting.この力は傷つける為じゃなく、みんなを守るために。
I'm sorry. You must be so disappointed in me...ご、ごめんね。がっかりさせちゃったかな。


What a kind thing to do. I promise, I'll use this power to help you.優しくしてくれて嬉しい。この力はあなたのために使うね。

5성 40레벨 달성

So, I... I just want to thank you for being nice to me. I must be terrifying to be around.
I know I am evil in my core. As the Fell Dragon's daughter, I have destruction and death in my blood.
Oh, but don't worry! I won't turn into a dragon. I can't. I buried my dragonstone long ago...
Anyway, if you keep being my friend despite what you know about me, then I swear to be loyal.
And I will never, ever misuse my power. I promise.
だから、これからもお友達でいてくれる?…本当に? [召喚師]…とっても嬉しい。ありがとう…!





오의 발동

Feel what I feel.何も奪わせない!
Do not suffer.苦しまないで
No, don't worry.大丈夫よ
I won't lose.負けないわ


So I am a defect...欠陥品…だから…


You treat me so well here. I'll try to make myself useful however I can.優しくしてくれてうれしい。わたし、あなたのお役に立ってみせるからね。
Oh! What is it? If I've done something wrong, please tell me.ええと、何かしちゃったかな…もしそうなら、隠さずに言ってほしいの。
I always enjoy talking to you. Maybe we could chat more often! ...If you want to, I mean.あなたといられて楽しいよ。もし良かったら、また…! ううん、なんでもない。
Is there anything I can do to help out? If not, that's OK. A defect like me will probably mess things up anyway.何か手助けできることはある? わたしなんかで良かったら、いつでも頼ってね。
Do you have spicy food here? In my world, there's a spicy red seasoning I can't get enough of. I put it on everything!あ、あの…この世界に、辛い食べ物はある? 赤ければ赤いほどうれしいんだけど…
I'd like to make friends with the other Heroes, but I'm worried I'll scare them...色んな英雄さんに話を聞きたいけど、話しかけても怖がられないかな…
I don't really know why you summoned me, let alone why you call me a "Hero," but I am grateful. I promise I'll repay your kindness little by little.ここに喚んでくれて、英雄だなんて言ってくれて、あなたには感謝してるわ。この気持ちを少しずつ返していきたいの。大切な…お友達として。

아군 턴 터치

Have faith.信じて
I can do this!間違えないよ
Count on me!頼ってね

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