상냥한 양춘의 용 베일/대사
I'm Veyle. I'm a dragon. I hear there's going to be a spring festival. Can I be of use in some way? | わたしはヴェイル。竜族よ。みんなで春祭りをするって聞いたの。わたしも何か、お役に立ちたいな。 |
How strange. I dislike bright places, but I long for spring sunlight more than the dim illumination of candles. | 明るい場所は苦手だけれど、不思議。今は薄闇の蝋燭の光よりも…春の日差しのほうを恋しく思えるの。 |
I've always watched from afar. I never thought I would get to enjoy a festival for myself. I'm so excited! | お祭りはいつも、遠くから見てるだけで…自分が楽しむことはないと思ってた。だから今、とても嬉しい気持ちよ。 |
Did the spring warmth cause you to oversleep? Sleeping for a long time is scary, isn't it? But don't worry, I'll stay by you, even if you sleep for one hundred years. | え? 春の陽気で寝坊した…?長く眠っちゃうの、怖いよね。でも平気よ。例え百年眠っても、わたしは傍にいるわ。 |
I'm not good at drawing or painting... Hmm. Could I just dye my egg a color I like instead of drawing on it? | わたし、あまり絵が得意じゃなくて。卵に何を描いたらいいか迷ってるの。好きな色を塗るだけでもいいのかな? |
If I was born a rabbit, I wouldn't have experienced so many hard things, but I also wouldn't have met all of you. | わたしがもし兎に生まれていたら今までの辛いこともなかったけど、こうしてみんなに会えることもなかったね。 |
친구 방문
Did the rabbit ears surprise you? We are having a spring festival where I just came from! Here! This festive greeting is for you, from [Friend]. | [フレンド]から挨拶よ。あ、突然兎耳の人が来たら驚くよね。こっちでは春祭りの最中なの。 |
레벨 업
Wh-what do I do? I'm so happy, my ears are bouncing. | ど、どうしよう。嬉しくて、耳がピョンってなっちゃう。 |
When you're at a festival, things that normally brighten your day a bit can have an even greater impact, huh? | ちょっとの嬉しいことも、お祭りだともっと嬉しくなるね。 |
Sorry. I know it's a festival and all... I'll be more careful! | 折角のお祭りにごめんなさい。気を引き締めるね! |
Thank you. The festival is going to be even more fun now! | ありがとう。お祭りで楽しいのに、もっと楽しくなっちゃうよ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Hello, Summoner. Thank you for being there for me. I can't help but await your return when we're apart. Why do you keep me with you? Oh, maybe you like bunnies? That's not it? Then, do you enjoy my company? N-no, forget I said that! I shouldn't be so silly. It's because you have some greater strategy in mind, isn't it? It doesn't matter. I'm just glad I got to make some memories with you this spring that I can treasure. When the spring festival comes again, remember your friend with the long bunny ears. Let's talk more soon. | ねえ、[召喚師]。いつも一緒にいてくれてありがとう。離れるとつい姿を探しちゃうわ。 どうして傍に置いてくれるの?あ、もしかして、兎が好きなの?そうじゃない? なら、わたしのことが… う、ううん! 今のは忘れて!我ながらとんでもない自惚れだわ。きっと戦略的な考えがあってのことよね。 どんな理由でもいいの。この春に、あなたとの大切な思い出ができたことは事実で、わたしの大切な宝物だから。 これからも春祭りが来たら…髪の長い、兎耳をつけた友達がいること思い出してね。また、こうやってお喋りしよう。 |
- | はあっ! |
- | どうかな! |
Ow! | きゃあ! |
- | どうして…! |
오의 발동
Feel festive! | 春祭りは奪わせない! |
Winter no more! | 冬は終わったの! |
All warmed up? | ぽかぽかするね! |
Spring, engage! | スプリングエンゲージ! |
Nipped in the bud... | 春なのに、ごめんなさい… |
- | えへへ… |
I can't believe I'm really at a festival! It's like a dream... A dream with an adorable outfit! | お祭りに参加できるなんて夢みたい。こんなに可愛い格好まで…とっても嬉しい。 |
I probably look strange, a Fell Dragon with rabbit ears... Really? You think they suit me? | あっ、邪竜なのに兎耳なんて、変だよね…! え? 似合ってる…? |
I'm seeing lots of people in rabbit outfits. Do you think they'll want to be friends with me? | ここには兎の格好の人、沢山いるのね。お友達になれるといいな。 |
*yawn* With all this sunshine, I could almost use a nap. But no! I will not sleep through the festival! | あったかくて眠くなっちゃうけど、楽しいお祭りで寝ちゃったら勿体ないよね。 |
Do you need help carrying anything? Your flowers or chocolate eggs, perhaps? | 困ってることはない? お花とか卵とか、運ぶものがあったら任せて。 |
Papa would never, ever go to a festival like this. Well, except to burn everything down. | パパも春祭りをすることなんてあったのかな…ううん、きっとないわね。 |
I hope you won't mind me asking, but... Oh, come on, Veyle! Summoner, would you like to walk around the festival together? | 誘ったら迷惑かななんて、いつもは考えちゃうけど、今なら…よしっ。召喚師さん、わたしと春祭りを楽しんでくれる? |
아군 턴 터치
It's all in bloom. | 春は好き |
Getting warmer... | あったかいね |
Let's make merry. | お祭りを守るわ |