자애의 황제 비가르드/대사


I am Vigarde, ruler of the Grado Empire. I have devoted myself to both Magvel and the Sacred Stones.わしはグラドを預かる皇帝、ヴィガルド…聖石と共にマギ・ヴァルの安寧を担い、あまねく臣民と慈愛をもって向き会おう。

Lyon grew up clever, like his mother. But his tendency to turn his mind inward surely comes from me...リオンは母に似て賢い子に育った。が……心を内に向けたがるのは、わしに似たのかもしれぬな…
I merely look after Grado, as any ruler looks after their realm. It is not mine alone. It is the people's.
I hope I am able to instill that lesson in Lyon.
A celebration of the devotion one feels for another... What a glorious display of the human spirit.臣民が互いに愛を確かめ合う祝典か。想いを言葉にする、贈答の形にする……それは人心の拠り所となるであろうな。
I am only able to eat food prepared by my chefs. My apologies. Please give my sweets to others here.料理番の作ったものしか口にできぬゆえ、菓子などは下賜することにしておる…気持ちだけいただいておこう。
I once ate a rather peculiar pickled delicacy in my travels. I remember the Fluorspar had quite the reaction.いつだったか、行脚の際に口にした独特な酸味の香の物…あれは美味であった。【蛍石】が妙に気色ばんだのを覚えておる。

친구 방문

It is a joy when those in power are not mired in conflict. May your hearts and blades remain aligned.力を持つ者が対立せぬことは喜ばしい。これからも、矛を交わすことのないよう…

레벨 업

When body is satisfied and spirit fulfilled, there can be no conflict.身体を満たし、精神を充たし…互いを認め合えれば諍いは起こらぬ。その伸展こそがわしのまつりごとである。
This is a gift bequeathed by Grado. Satisfy your hunger and ease your tensions.グラドからの恩賜である。空腹を満たし、緊張を解かすのだ。そうして、汝の隣人を愛しむがよい。
I am winded... Are Duessel or Selena near? They must serve in my stead.ふう…これ以上は息が続かぬ…デュッセルかセライナはおらぬか。わしの代わりを務めよ。


A failing army hastens its kingdom's decline, but one cannot maintain an army for selfish purposes.兵が弱まれば国は保てず、滅びを早める。だが、その力は個人の欲のためではなくあまねく民のためでなくてはならん…

5성 40레벨 달성

This festival is a time for people to express their devotion to each other, yes? What a splendid event.
As emperor, I frequently witness the ugly side of quarrels born from the pursuit of material gain...
One cannot survive this position and remain naive, but that does not mean one must abandon their ideals.
If Grado's citizens trust each other and the nations of Magvel grow close, peace may endure...
I hope, for my son and all the people of Grado, that such an age one day comes to pass.





오의 발동

My sincere thanks.皆に感謝を
You deserve a gift.これを贈ろう
With all my heart...我が思いを…
For Grado.民のために


Let an old man rest...わしも…老いたか…


I am Emperor Vigarde of Grado. I received an invitation to this festival.グラド皇帝ヴィガルド。祭りの招待に応じ、ここへ参った。
Oh! Did you mistake me for someone else? Well, no matter—certainly jolted me awake!おお…。誰ぞと間違えたか? 元気なのはよいことだ。
My nation has enjoyed a long and durable friendship with Renais. I can only hope it extends well into the future.グラドとルネスの良好な関係を、これからも保ちたいものだ。
A festival for expressing gratitude... What marvelous traditions your world has.感謝を伝える愛の祭りか…。この世界にはよい風習があるのだな。
As I have told Lyon many a time, the emperor's foremost duty is to protect his subjects.皇帝には国を守る義務がある。リオンにもそれを伝えてきた。
When I am gone, it will fall to Lyon to protect the people of Grado. I pray that you do, my son.リオン…わしのかわりにグラドを、民たちを頼む…
You seem worthy of my trust.お前は信頼に足る人物のようだな。

아군 턴 터치

What to do...どうする
I shall proceed.参ろう

캐릭터 페이지로