신출귀몰한 정보원 폴카/대사


I'm Volke. It doesn't seem like you have work for me right now, but...you know how to reach me.俺はフォルカ。俺に用があるようには見えないが……これも何かの縁だろう。

As a rule, I don't join up with others. I prefer to work alone.俺は誰とも組まない主義でな。仕事なら一人でやり遂げる。
Death only marks your loss, and our enemy's gain. It grants you nothing.
If there is something you want, make sure to survive.
I'm here by choice...for now. Why? The answer to that will cost you 100,000 gold.今、俺がここにいるのは自分の意思だ。理由を聞きたければ、そうだな…10万ゴールドほど用意してもらおう。
Stoking embers is useless. There's a reason I'm called "fireman"—I put out problems.残り火を探ろうとしても無駄だ。【火消し】は伊達じゃない。
Gathering intel is a specialty of mine. Give me three days, and I'll know more about this country than you do.俺は情報屋だ。お前さんよりこの国に詳しくなってみせよう。三日あれば十分だ。

친구 방문

I'm here on business. Don't ask questions.用事はこれだけだ。何も聞くな。

레벨 업

Time for me to leave. Any more than this will draw too much attention.これ以上は目立ちすぎる。離脱させてもらうぞ。
Results like this don't make money.やれやれ。こんな金にもならんことを……
Might be time to look for another job.次の仕事を探すか。


You're a good one. Guess this means you feel the same about me.俺はあんたを気に入ってる。あんたも俺と同じ気持ち、ってことか。

5성 40레벨 달성

My work? If I have to answer, I'd say I do whatever's asked of me—but only if the pay is good enough.
I'd probably even take a job to assassinate you. Not like it'd be hard, given this castle's defenses.
That's not a threat. It's just how committed I am to my contracts.
Lucky for you, I never take two jobs at once, and I never quit a job early.
The smartest move you could make now is hire me first. Doesn't matter to me what the job is.
...I see. Only reason I brought it up is your skills have probably made you no few enemies, but suit yourself.





오의 발동

Your last mistake.失態だな
Let's get to work.仕事に移ろう
We're done.話は終わりだ


This is as far as I go...付き合えるのはここまでだ…


I'm Volke. I solve problems.俺はフォルカ。【火消し】のフォルカだ。
This doesn't interest me.……何のつもりだ。茶番に付き合う暇はない。
My occupation? You could say I'm in... intelligence.俺の仕事は…そうだな。情報屋とでも言っておこうか。
Tell the barkeep you've need of a fireman. You'll see me within an hour.俺を呼び出すときは、酒場で「火消しに用がある」と言ってくれればいい。
You want to know why I need money, do you? 100,000 gold. That's what it will cost you for me to answer that question.どうして金が必要か? その質問に答えるには十万ゴールドだ。
Greil's death was unfortunate and unexpected.グレイル殿が死んじまうとは…まいったな。
Interested in taking on my kind of work? You certainly have the skill for it.あんたも裏の仕事に転職したらどうだ? なかなか適性がありそうだ。

아군 턴 터치

Got it.承知した
All paid up.契約成立だ

캐릭터 페이지로