율의의 늑대 비라크/대사


I am Vyland, of the knights of Aurelis. I am good at leading the charge, so do not hesitate to ask anything of me.俺はオレルアン騎兵隊のビラク。先鋒をつとめることが得意だ。遠慮はいらない。

As a warrior of Aurelis, I have sworn to fight and die for my country.俺はオレルアンの戦士だ。国のために戦い、死ぬ。それがつとめだ。
If departing from Archanea, the plains of Aurelis lie beyond Lefcandith Valley.
The surrounding mountains form a natural stronghold mighty enough to deter most outsiders.
When was the last time you rested? You should take this chance to do so, before the exhaustion builds up.しばらく休んでいないのでは?疲れが溜まる前に回復するべきだ。
There is certainly no lack of sparring partners in this castle, and all of them are experienced warriors.
I want to grow as strong as they are.
I'm off to take my horse out for a run. If you have time, would you like to ride it?馬を走らせに行ってくる。暇しているなら、乗ってみるか?

친구 방문

I am Vyland, of the knights of Aurelis. I have greetings from your friend [Friend].オレルアン騎兵隊のビラクだ。[フレンド]から今後ともよろしく、と。

레벨 업

As long as we are here, we must never give up any ground.俺達がいるかぎりここを明け渡すわけにはいかない。
That went well! It seems we've gotten used to working together.うまくいった。連携が板についてきたようだ。
If you wish for your foe to crumble, wear them down by attacking and withdrawing before they can react.
That is the most effective way to fight that I know of.


Hmm... I understand. I would like to learn more from you later about how we will fight from now on.なるほど、承知した。これからの戦いについて、あとで指南してもらいたい。

5성 40레벨 달성

The Coyote's Men crossed countless battlefields, ignoring wind and rain, and Hardin always led the charge.
The reason Marth's army was able to defeat Dolhr... It was undeniably thanks to him.
I sometimes wonder, though... Coyote is a courageous man, but is joining Archanea truly for the best?
Wolf and the others have no such qualms. Lord Hardin is our hero.
To the people of the plains, he is hope itself. Hope for a better Aurelis.
...I am a warrior of Aurelis. To fight to the end as one of the Coyote's Men... That is all I wish for.




Not bad...やるな…

오의 발동

Open your eyes!目を覚ませ!
If I can protect him...守るためなら!
You're being deceived!甘すぎるんだよ!
We stand tall!我らがいる限り!


Lord Hardin...ハーディン様…


I am Vyland of Aurelis, one of the Coyote's Men.ビラクだ。オレルアンの狼騎士団に属している。
Oh? There's no need to be so crude.おおっ…? なんだ、案外荒っぽい奴だな。
Among the Coyote's Men, Roshea has always been the kindest of us all.ロシェは俺たち兄弟の中で一番優しい奴なんだ。
It was Lord Hardin that freed us from slavery.草原の民を解放してくれたのはハーディン様だ。
Lord Hardin has...changed. It's as if he has become a completely different man...ハーディン様は変わってしまった。まるで別人のように…
The truth is... I don't know. I just don't know what I should do.俺は…わからないんだ。自分がどうすれば良いのか。
Will you continue to fight beside me?これからも俺と共に、戦場を駆けてくれないか?

아군 턴 터치

All right.よし
If you say so.わからないな…
It's going to be fine.大丈夫だ

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