충의의 늑대 울프/대사


I am Wolf, leader of the knights of Aurelis. We are none other than the Coyote's Men.
Now, prepare to witness how people of the plains fight!

The true hero of the War of Shadows is Lord Hardin. Without Aurelis, Marth wouldn't have ever raised his army.暗黒戦争の英雄はハーディン様なのだ。我らオレルアン騎士団なくば、そもそも解放軍など成り立たなかったのだぞ。
The land of Aurelis belonged to the plains people. Lord Hardin reclaimed that pride for us!オレルアンの地は草原の民のものだった。ハーディン様は、我らにその誇りを取り戻してくださったのだ!
I see there are many archers of some skill here, but I am confident none can best me in mounted archery.ここには名うての射手も多くいるようだが、馬上での扱いにかけては誰にも負けない自信があるぞ。
The secret to the Coyote's Men's strength is our trust in one another.
Vyland takes the front lines, Roshea watches his back, and Sedgar acts as my right hand.
I've been tanning leather since I was a child. The key to quality lies in how much of the oil and fat you brush off.皮のなめしは子供の頃からやってきた。うまく伸ばすには脂の抜き加減がコツなんだ。

친구 방문

I am Wolf, commander of the Coyote's Men. I've heard a lot about you from [Friend].オレルアン騎兵隊長のウルフだ。[フレンド]から聞いて偵察がてら挨拶に来た。

레벨 업

There! Did you see it? That was the technique of a plainsman of Aurelis!オレルアンの流儀を見たか!我ら草原の民の技を!
I am the leader of the knights of Aurelis. And your head...is mine!オレルアン騎兵隊長のウルフだ。その首……もらった!
Argh! I cannot allow Lord Hardin to see me like this!ぐお……っ!こんな姿をあのお方にはお見せできん!


I'm aware of what this means. Expect much from me.わかっている、期待してもらおう!

5성 40레벨 달성

Aurelis belonged to the people of the plains...and then the Archaneans arrived and claimed it was theirs.
We were told that some man from another country was our king and were expected to simply fall in line.
I do not know what kind of person the king truly is, but I do know this: He is not one of us.
And with a frail body like that... Perhaps even he could sense he would never be able to lead us.
But his younger brother, Lord Hardin... He proved his strength to us and earned our respect!
His future...is surely bright, isn't it, [Summoner]?
...No, forget I asked. I am Wolf, of the Coyote's Men. For now, my duty is to fight alongside you on the battlefield.





오의 발동

Your head is mine!その首もらった!
I'll go it alone.たとえ一人になろうとも…
Never forget.忘れるはずはない!
I won't abandon him!見捨てはしない!




I'm Wolf—leader of the Coyote's Men.オレルアン狼騎士団の長、ウルフだ。
Stop fooling around.!? 何を…ふざけるのはよせ。
Sedgar can always calm me down. That's a talent I appreciate.サガロと話していると、おれは落ち着くんだ。感謝している。
I will die at Lord Hardin's side. I made a vow.おれはハーディン様と共に死ぬ! そう誓ったのだ!
Dying at Adria Pass would have been so much easier...この命、あのアドリア峠で散った方が楽であったものを…
The life Lord Hardin gave me...must fulfill its purpose.ハーディン様から受けた命は…果たさねばならない。
I won't abandon you.おれはお前を見捨てはしない。

아군 턴 터치

Come on.なるほど
No matter what.構わぬ!

캐릭터 페이지로