변환자재의 수확제 체이니/대사


I'm Xane. I can change into anybody—even you! Wanna see? It'll make the festival a lot more fun!俺はチェイニー。誰にでも化けられるぜ。試しにあんたに化けてみようか?収穫祭のイタズラは俺に任せな!

Yeah, it's a festival, but I'd best be careful. If Kris sees me pullin' too many pranks, I'm in for an earful.祭りだからといってイタズラもほどほどにしとかないと。クリスに見つかったら叱られちまうな。
Humans pass away in the blink of an eye. It's always sad to say goodbye. For now... I'll try to enjoy this festival.人間はあっという間に死んじまう。関わりを持つと別れが寂しくなるが…今は、この祭りを楽しむことにするよ。
Looks like Tiki's havin' fun. Seems like her nightmares've died down too. I'm glad she made some friends.チキも祭りを楽しんでいるみたいだな。よかったな、友だちがたくさんできて。もう、怖い夢を見ることもないよな。
Trick or treat! Better make with the candy quick. My tricks'll make your head spin!トリックオアトリート!素直にお菓子渡したほうがいいぜ。俺のイタズラは半端ないからな。
Who should I change into next... A kid'd have the best chance of makin' off with tons of candy, but...hmm...
Er... Were you listening?

친구 방문

Name's Xane. I'm havin' lots of fun at the harvest festival over at [Friend]'s castle!俺の名はチェイニー。[フレンド]の城じゃ収穫祭で盛り上がってるぜ。

레벨 업

Nothin' better than a good trick!イタズラに成功したときが一番気分がいいね…!
Think you're clever, do ya? You'll never see through my tricks!俺のイタズラ、そう簡単には見破れないぜ!
Now that's no good.うーん、なんか調子狂うなー。


I'm not helpin' humans that easily. But you're someone I can trust.人間に肩入れするつもりはないが、あんたとはうまくやっていけそうだな。

5성 40레벨 달성

You're not angry that I disguised myself as a whole bunch'a Heroes and filled up on candy, are you?
You can't hold that against me! Tricks like those are what the festival is all about.
See, humans don't have long to live, so they have to figure out how they WANT to live.
You can't spend all your time fightin'. You need to fool around every once in a while too!
Look at me! I have hundreds of years set aside just for pulling pranks and goofin' off.





오의 발동

Hey! I got here first!あわれな奴だな
Scared ya?びっくりしただろ?
Make with the candy!お菓子をよこしな!
I've got a bag of tricks!イタズラしてやる!


The night's still young...もっと遊ばせてくれよ…


The name's Xane. The princey and me go way back. Oh, I mean Marth.俺はチェイニー。マルスの友達だ。
Whoa! Tryin' to scare me? You've got some guts.うおっ…!? 俺をびっくりさせるなんて、あんたなかなかやるな。
This world sure has a lot of festivals... I'm not sayin' it's a bad thing.この世界には変な祭りがあるんだなあ。でも嫌いじゃないぜ。
You're lookin' at a bona-fide master of mischief. Who should I impersonate next?イタズラは大の得意だぜ。誰に化けてほしい?
Where am I from? Well... Let's just say, not from around here. Not even close.俺がどこから来たのかは…えーっと…遠い国さ。
This world's BURSTIN' with stuff, isn't it? I'll never get bored!この世界には面白いもんがたくさんあるな! わくわくするぜ!
I look good like this? Aw, cut it out, you. You're makin' me blush!え? この格好似合うって? ば…ばかだな。照れるだろ。

아군 턴 터치

I smell sweets!お菓子のにおいだ
This way?こっちか?

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