겁쟁이 타그엘 샨브레/대사


I'm Yarne, Panne's son. If I die, the taguel go extinct, so...keep me somewhere safe, please!俺はシャンブレー。ベルベットの息子だ。死んじゃったらタグエルが絶滅するから…なるべく安全な場所にいさせてくれよな!

Can you summon some more taguel with that divine weapon? We could stop worrying about extinction!
What? You can't control who you summon? Well...that's too bad.
I don't want to die. I'm sure that's how everybody feels... Including the folks who died in that terrible future.
That's why I'm fighting to save them.
You always look so busy. Why don't you take a break and pet my fur? I hear that it's pretty relaxing.お前、いっつも忙しそうだよなー。そうだ、俺の毛並みでも触ってみるか?みんな癒されるって言ってくれるんだぜ。
I'm not big on danger, but I don't want to see you go extinct, either. On the battlefield, you stay behind me, OK?危ないところには行きたくないけど…お前が絶滅したら嫌だから、戦場では俺の後ろにいていいぜ。
There are so many different Heroes here... It's fascinating!
I wonder if anybody else can turn into an animal! Maybe a fox, a cat, a wolf... Even a bird!

친구 방문

Agh! Don't do that! You scared me. Once I greet you, I'll be on my way! Hello, [Summoner]!うひゃい! 急に声をかけるなよ![召喚師]さんへの挨拶届けたらすぐに帰るんだからな…!

레벨 업

The future of the taguel is lookin' bright!タグエルの未来は明るいぞー!
Getting stronger is great, and it makes me worry a little less.強くなれると嬉しいし安心するぜ。
Ack! If I don't pick up the pace, I'm extinct!全然成長してない!絶滅するー!!


Hey! You're helping me get stronger. Take that, extinction!俺のこと強くしてくれたのか?ありがとう、これで絶滅しないぞ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, [Summoner]...
Did you notice? I didn't jump when you spoke to me. I heard you coming.
Lately, I catch myself listening for your footsteps, wondering where you're going...
If you ended up getting attacked, summoners would go extinct! And I'd be pretty lonely.
If you're ever in danger, shout my name, or just make a loud noise. I'll hear it and come running!
Thanks to you, I've gotten plenty strong. Now I can protect you! Thanks for giving me the courage to help.




Cut it out!やめろよーっ!

오의 발동

Don't mess with a bunny!タグエルの本気だ!
No, YOU go extinct!蹴散らしてやる!
And stay down!うさぎアターック!
I won't give up!屈するもんか!


So, extinction it is...絶滅…しちまうのか…


I'm the last of my people.俺はタグエル最後の生き残りなんだぜ
Don't sneak up on me! If I die of shock, the taguel go exinct, OK?そんなとこ触ったら、びっくりして絶滅するだろ!
Aah! Don't shout! You're stripping precious years off my life!うひゃい! い、いきなり声をかけるなよ、寿命が縮んだぜ…
One... two... I'm doing the "Anti-Extinction Exercise Program." Want to join me?いち、に、さん、し…絶滅しないぞ体操、お前も一緒にやってみるか?
There aren't many summoners, are there? OK. I'll watch out for you.召喚士も数が少ないんだな…よし、俺が守ってやるよ
Mother and Father can't fight anymore, so I have to. I have to!俺は戦わなきゃいけない、父ちゃんと母ちゃんの分まで…
Being summoned to a new world was terrifying. But I'll work hard to live up to your expectations of a Hero. Keep your eyes on me.新しい世界、ホントはすっげえ怖いけど…英雄ってやつに相応しいよう頑張るから、見ててくれよな

아군 턴 터치

Don't let me die!絶滅しないぞ!
Not scared.ちょっと怖いな…

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