타그엘의 수확제 샨브레/대사


Trick or treat! If I'm the one to play a trick on someone else, then I can get by without being surprised, right?ト、トリックオアトリート!今回はイタズラする側に回ってみたぞ。これなら驚かされずにすむよな?

There are pumpkin decorations all through the castle. But...I can't eat that much...城のあちこちにカボチャの飾りがあるけどあんなにたくさん食べられないよな…。
I'll do my due diligence and express my thanks to all the food out there. Without it, we'd go extinct.食べ物がないと絶滅するよな。だから俺はすべての食べ物に感謝しておきたいんだ。
Sweet things are tasty, but be careful because too much can rot your teeth. That's a trap that leads to extinction!甘いものは美味しいけど虫歯にならないように注意しなきゃ。虫歯で絶滅なんて絶対嫌だからな!
Heeey! What are you doing?! My ears aren't costume pieces; they're real! Paws off!ひぃっ! な、なんだよいきなり!?こ、この耳は仮装じゃなくて本物だよ!あんまり触らないでくれー!
Eek! All these people in monster costumes are bad for the heart! I wish they wouldn't dress so scary...みんな怖そうな装束を着てるから心臓に悪いよ…。もっと穏やかな仮装をしてくれよ!

친구 방문

Aaah! It's a ghost! Oh... It's just you, [Summoner]?
No matter what, I cannot let my guard down at this harvest festival...
ひいっ! お化けぇっ!!…って[召喚師]さんか。収穫祭は気が抜けないな…。

레벨 업

Oh, land, thank you for your bounty. It's important to express my gratitude, or I might go extinct!大地の実りに感謝しないとな!絶滅したくないからさ。
I'm not afraid of ghosts. I'm... just cautious!お化けが怖いわけじゃないぞ。ただ警戒心が強いだけだ!
I'll go extinct if someone plays a trick on me!イ、イタズラされると絶滅するぞ!


Candy, for me? This'll keep me from extinction! I'll save it for the moment right before I die of hunger.お菓子をくれるのか?空腹で絶滅しそうなときに食べるよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Eek! Someone's trying to trick me again! Oh... It's just you, [Summoner]...
I don't like being surprised, so I thought I'd be the one doing the surprising. But it's not working...
It seems it takes talent to trick others. That's something I don't have.
Hm? It's easy to tell me not to be so down when you're not on the verge of extinction. Oh, candy? Thank you!
Too bad this festival isn't just about candy, instead of tricking people...
I'm going to be nervous the whole time until it's over. Stay with me? I'm begging you, [Summoner]!
うひゃぁっ! またイタズラされる!なんだ、誰だと思えば[召喚師]さんか…。
え? そんなに落ち込まなくてもいい?このお菓子をくれるのか?ありがとうな…!
祭りが終わるまで不安だからさ。[召喚師]さんそばにいてくれないか? 頼むよ!





오의 발동

How 'bout a trick?いたずらするぞ!
Trick or treat!トリックオアトリート!
Scary, huh?怖いだろー?
I'll wipe you out!絶滅させてやる!


So many treats...た…食べ過ぎた…


Harvest festival? I hope there's no rabbit on the menu!しゅ、収穫祭!? ご馳走がたくさんって、ウサギは違うよな!?
Eek! Please don't eat me!うひゃあっ!? なんだよ、俺はご馳走じゃないぞー!?
OK, I'll eat the whole harvest, grow extra strong, and...kiss extinction goodbye!たくさん食べて強くなって、絶滅を遠ざけてやる!
Do you like my costume? Ah, ah, ah! Paws off!どうだ、この仮装? …ひゃうっ! さ、触るなよぉ!
I'm not so sure about all these monster costumes... *shivers*うう…あっちこっちにお化けの仮装がいて落ち着かねえよ…
I'm going all-out! If that's OK?変身してウサギの仮装! ってのはダメなのか?
Yeah those monsters are freaky, huh? All right, all right, we can walk together so you're not too scared.お前もお化けは怖いだろ? 仕方ないなあ、一緒に歩いてやるよ。

아군 턴 터치

Let's hop to it!よーし!
Uhh... What should I do?ど、どうしよう…

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