손신의 검성 렌하/대사
My name is Yen'fay. I was once called Blade Legend... Now I wish only to be a lone warrior. Nothing more. | 私はレンハ。かつて剣聖と呼ばれし者……今はただ、一人の武人たらんと欲す。 |
Chon'sin, my homeland, has many volcanoes. Flames erupt from their peaks, and the land is blanketed in ash. | 我が故郷ソンシンには、火山が多い…その頂からは炎が噴き上がり、一面が灰に覆われることもあるほどだ。 |
The hearts of my people are strong. So long as my sister, Say'ri, lives... Chon'sin will one day recover. | 我が妹サイリさえ無事ならば……ソンシンの地はいずれ立ち直る。我が故郷の民は皆、芯が強いゆえな。 |
Ah, curse it! I fell asleep. I'd meant to be meditating. | はっ!………[召喚師]。瞑想のつもりが、寝入ってしまっていたとは。 |
Meditation is meant to unify one's spirit and allow contemplation of movement in the stillness. | 瞳を閉じ、精神を統一する……これを瞑想という。静の中に動をつかみとる修行だ。 |
Some quandaries in this world have no proper answer... | 私の問いに…答えなどありはしない…… |
친구 방문
I am Yen'fay. My heart was saved by [Friend]... | 我が名はレンハ。[フレンド]に心を救われた男だ…… |
레벨 업
I'll not say the path I chose was one of justice. Only that I have my own battles to fight, same as any other. | 選んだ道がかならずしも正義とは言わぬ。だが私にも、私の戦いというものがある。 |
My opponents will not be able to see through my swordsmanship. | 我が剣、見切れまい。 |
Hm. I still have more room to improve... | うむ。私にもまだ、修行の余地があるということ… |
You have my thanks. | かたじけない。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
I'm grateful you gave me a place and a reason to fight... For I am a man who's become no more than a blade. I lost my parents to conquerors. I could have cast all aside and resisted, but I chose to do the opposite. I know the truth of who I am. Call me king or Blade Legend... I still have no homeland. No people to call my own. So I put such matters behind me. Now I simply wield my blade and slay my foes. It's the only reason I live. I am The Demon's Edge, walking a path of carnage! I offer up my blade to you, [Summoner]! | ……[召喚師]。ただの刃にすぎぬ私を置きとめ戦う意味を与えてくれること、感謝している。 覇王の前に父母を失い、国を奪われ……すべてを捨てて一人抗うこともできた。だが……私が選んだ道はその逆だ。 王よ、剣聖よと称えられても……そんな己の正体を私は知っている。ゆえに戻る故郷も、民もおらぬ。 ふ……だがそんな迷いはとうに捨てた。いまはただ剣を振るい、敵を薙ぐ。それだけが我が望み、ここに在る理由… 修羅の道征く、剣鬼たらん……!我が剣を捧げよう、そして見届けてくれ。[召喚師]……! |
はあっ | |
失せよ |
ぐっ… | |
不覚… |
오의 발동
Hesitation brings death. | 迷いなど捨てた |
I will not ask for forgiveness. | 許しは請わない |
Steel yourself! | 覚悟されよ! |
This is where you cease. | いざ、参らん |
Well fought... | 思い残すことは…ない… |
ふ… | |
I am Yen'fay of Chon'sin. That is all you need to know. | ソンシンのレンハ。参上した。 |
Think twice the next time you are about to prod a man armed with a sword. | …剣士に気安く触れぬ方がよい。 |
I have reasons for fighting, but that is not cause to explain them to strangers. | 私にも、私の戦いというものがある。 |
Say'ri? She is a rebel and traitor to the empire. I have no sister. | サイリとは、兄妹の縁はとうの昔に切った。 |
My homeland... It is a place of beauty, with a culture all its own. | 我が故郷は独特の文化が息づく、美しい国だ。 |
You have found strong comrades, Say'ri... | サイリ…よい仲間を持ったな。 |
We all walk our own paths. Do not try to stray into mine. | お前はお前の道を往け。 |
아군 턴 터치
Aye. | いかにも |
At once. | どちらだ? |
Into the fray. | 参る |