첫 여름바다 유르그/대사


I'm Ylgr, and I'm from Nifl. Since this is my first time at the beach, I wanna play as much as I can!わたし、ニフル王国のユルグだよ。はじめての夏の海たーくさん遊んじゃうんだー。

The beach in summer is AMAZING! The sun is so bright! Hey, let's go swimming already! C'mon—hurry up!夏の海ってすごーい!太陽がキラキラしてる!ねっねっ、はやく泳ごうよー!
Nifl is cold even in the summer, so if you ever wear a swimsuit, you'll freeze! Here, though, it's no problem!ニフルは夏も涼しいから水着になったら風邪ひいちゃうの。でも、ここなら大丈夫だよねー!
What do you think of my swimsuit? Cute, right? My sister Gunnthrá gave it to me! I love it!見てみて、この水着!とってもかわいいでしょー!スリーズ姉様が用意してくれたの!
When I grow up, I hope I can be as stylish as Gunnthrá is...わたしも大きくなったらスリーズ姉様みたいなすてきなスタイルになれるかなー?
Askr is such a nice place... But the best part is that I can be together with everyone I love!アスク王国って、素敵な場所だよね。だって、みんなとまた一緒にいられるもん!

친구 방문

I'm Ylgr from Nifl! I'm here with a summertime greeting from your friend [Friend]!ニフルからきたユルグだよ![フレンド]さんから夏のあいさつを預かってきたのー。

레벨 업

The beach is so fun! What game should we play next?夏の海って楽しいねー!つぎはなにして遊ぶー?
I feel like I'm starting to get pretty good at swimming!泳ぎのコツ、だんだんわかってきたよー!
Ugh... I'm not feeling too good... Did I get too much sun?うう、調子でないよー。これって夏バテってやつなのかなー。


Is this because we're friends? Yay!仲良くしてくれるの?うれしいなー!

5성 40레벨 달성

The beach is so fun during summer! The sun is so bright, and all the food is so yummy!
It's always so cold in Nifl, I never once thought of wearing a swimsuit! The beaches are mostly ice...
Thank you so much for showing me such a good time. I will always remember this with a smile!
Next, I want to do something for you, so I'm going to do my best to get real strong—just like you! Wait and see!
But even when I'm super strong... I still want to go to the beach with you next summer! OK? Promise?!
[召喚師]さんありがとう! こんなにすてきな思い出をくれて…!





오의 발동

I love to swim!泳ぐの大好き!
Looks like fun!たのしそう!
Yeah, yeah!わーいわーい
This is perfect!わたし、まんぞくー


*blub blub*あれれ…やられちゃった…


I'm Ylgr, and I'm here to swim!わたし、ユルグ。およぎにきたんだー。
Oh! You gave me a chill! But in this weather, that's not so bad.ひゃあ! あ、びっくりしてちょっと涼しくなったかも。
Aaagh! It is so hot! Please! Do something!あついよー、とけちゃうよー、なんとかしてー
I miss Nifl! The ice! The snow!わたしたちのニフルはもっと冷たくて涼しいんだよー
Oh, you don't need to worry! My sisters always take care of me.あ、でも大丈夫。きっと姉様たちが助けに来てくれるもん!
Wow, the ocean looks just like it did in my books! This is great!夏の海、えほんでみたのとそっくり! うれしいなー
Hey, you! I've been wondering... Where are we going next?ねえねえ、つぎはどこに連れてってくれるの?

아군 턴 터치

I got it!わかったよー
So hot!あつーい

캐릭터 페이지로