생명의 어머니 용 유미르/대사


I am Ymir, the dragon of life. If my life's spark might aid you, I am glad to offer it.私はユーミル。生命の竜。私の命の輝きをあなたの力に変えられたら…

What a lovely country this is... The people, the scenery—it all has a certain glow to it. Just like home.この国はステキね。人も風景も眩しいほど生命の輝きを放っている…まるで私の故郷みたい。
I tried to gather the souls of those in my realm who were being taken by Hel. I had nearly all of them...私はヘルに殺された生命の国の人々の魂を集めていたの。あと少しだったのに…
Are you feeling well? You are always welcome to speak with me. I will not ever turn you away.元気がないの…?私とおしゃべりしましょう。何でも聞いてあげる。
Whew... The amount of walking in this place has made me hungry. Would you care to eat with me?はあ…あちこち歩き回ったからお腹がすいちゃったわ。一緒にご飯食べにいかない?
I got some sweets in anticipation of enjoying them with Eir. They're delicious. Would you like to try?エイルと一緒に食べようと思って厨房でお菓子をもらってきたの。あなたも食べない?

친구 방문

I am Ymir. I come with a message from [Friend].私はユーミル。[フレンド]からあなたに言伝があるの。

레벨 업

The warmth of life's flow fills me...生命の力が溢れてくる…温かい…
A glimmering spark of life...生は耀き…
Without any change, this will not do for long.こんなことでは…


For me? I'm delighted!私にこれを?嬉しいわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

If you don't mind, I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude.
Because of you, Eir is safe and in good spirits.
...Hm? How can I tell? Hee hee... She can be a bit difficult to read, but I know when she is happy.
For her to enjoy her life as she does, and to want to keep on living... Those things are your doing. So thank you.
You were able to do what I could not—a failure I've regretted for a long time. But there is no need now.
This, too, must be fate. In saving Eir, you have saved me as well. And I cannot thank you enough.
え? そんな風に見えない?ふふっ、わかりにくい子だものね。でも私にはわかるの。





오의 발동

Do no more harm!私が守る…!
Never again!二度はないわ
Life is delicate...命の煌めきよ…
Rebirth awaits.生まれ変わりなさい


Eir... Forgive me...エイル…ごめんね……


I am Ymir, dragon of life and steward of its realm.私はユーミル。生の国を守護する、生命の竜…
*surprise* How bold you are, to test a dragon.きゃっ…!? 竜に悪戯をするなんて、大胆ね…
Our realm was beautiful once, flush with the sweet glow of life.生の国は、命の煌めきに溢れるとても美しい国だったわ。
All living things are precious to me—every plant and every creature.命あるものはみんなきれいで大好きよ。草花や動物たちも…
Eir was such a dear little girl.小さい頃のエイルはとっても可愛かったのよ。
If only I could have saved them! At the very least, if I could have protected Eir…私はみんなを守れなかった…せめてエイルだけでも……
You hold in your hands the lives gathered here. Allow me to ease that weight.あなたはみんなの命を守ってくれる。だから力を貸すの。

아군 턴 터치

Just so.ええ
This way then?こちらから?
As you wish.私に任せて

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