그루니아의 왕녀 유미나/대사
I am Yuliya. I have been separated from my dear brother. Do you happen to know where Jubelo is? | わたしはユミナ。弟のユベロとはぐれてしまったの。あなた、どこにいるか知っている? |
Am I lonely without my brother? Why, of course! Jubelo and I have always been together, even after Grust fell... | す、すこしは不安になるわ!弟とはずっと一緒にいたんだもの……国が亡びたあとも、ずっと…… |
By Master Wendell's hand, Jubelo and I escaped captivity. Yet Lorenz... gave his life. What more can one do? | 後ろ盾のないわたしたちにウェンデル先生はよくしてくれたわ。それに、ロレンスも…… |
Others refrain from even glancing my way for fear of a rebuke. So I am quite used to being left to my own devices. | 放っておかれることには慣れてるの。皆、わたしを腫れ物のように見て近寄っても来なかったから。 |
Ogma has proven his loyalty. One day, I will have an equally stalwart guard of my own. | オグマという傭兵は頼りになりそうだった。同じくらい強いガードを見つけられるかしら。 |
Hold your head high, Yuliya... You are of Grustian make, a true brave heart. Now, to show it! | 自信を持ちなさい、ユミナ。あなたは騎士の国グルニアの王女……正しいふるまいをするのよ。 |
친구 방문
Pledge your integrity by lending aid to Grust, as was already pledged by [Friend]. | [召喚師]は良い人?それならグルニアに力を貸して。[フレンド]みたいにね! |
레벨 업
Oh Jubelo...where have you gone? I cannot waste my time in worry. Must I always be the strong one? | ユベロ……どこに行ったの?わたし、心配で――ううっ…… |
Me, frightened? Absurd! I will fight for us both. Such is my duty, as the eldest twin! | こ、こわくなんてないわ…!わたしだって戦える。わたしはユベロのお姉さんなんだから! |
You brute! Come no closer! | けだもの!!近よらないで! |
Well done. I see you are astute enough to recognize true strength. | わたしの機嫌を取るのはいいことよ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Who's there? Ah...Summoner, I see. You believe you are skilled enough to aid me, [Summoner]? Come, why don't you use that power of yours to summon my brother, Jubelo. He is likely out there all alone, and a storm of tears is about to rain down. I would know... No, no! Not me! I am the esteemed princess of Grust! As a royal, I do not allow grief to overcome me. I know...in my heart...Jubelo is safe. In fact, he could be foolishly worrying about me at this very moment. *sigh* Talking this out appears to have calmed my nerves. I do appreciate the concern you have shown me today, [Summoner]. | !誰っ……!? ああ……召喚師の人。[召喚師]だったかしら。 そうだ、あなたの力で弟を呼べない?きっと一人で寂しがっているわ。わたしも……ユベロがいないと… な、泣くわけないでしょう!わたしはグルニアの王女なんだから……!だからユベロもきっと大丈夫よ! …そうね、弟もグルニア王家の子だもの。むしろわたしを見つけに来るくらいじゃないと! [召喚師]と話をして、すこし落ち着いたわ。心配してくれて、ありがとう…… |
- | やっ |
- | どう? |
- | きゃあっ! |
- | いや…! |
오의 발동
You brute! | けだもの!! |
Come no closer! | 近よらないで! |
Do not cower. | 怖がってちゃだめ |
I must persevere. | わたしだって… |
Jubelo... I... | ああ…ユベロ… |
- | うふふっ |
Never show weakness. | しっかりしてよ |
On your feet! | 立って! |
I am Yuliya, princess of the kingdom of Grust. | わたしはユミナ。グルニア王国の王女よ。 |
With a weak-willed brother like Jubelo, it falls to me to be the brave one. | ユベロは気が弱いから、わたしが守ってあげなくちゃ。 |
I find Kris rather an intriguing figure... No, not in that way! | クリスのことが気になる…いえ、うそよこんなの。 |
I pray Lorenz is watching over us. | ロレンス…わたしたちを見守っていてね… |
If I feel so inclined, I may seek out your company again. | 気が向いたら、また話しに来てあげてもいいわ。 |
아군 턴 터치
Quite right. | そう |
Is that sensible? | もー、どうするの? |
As you wish. | できるわよ! |