눈을 뜬 부의 여신 윤느/대사


I am... Freedom. Chaos. Transformation. Future. Mystery. I am Yune.私は自由。私は混沌。私は変化。私は未来。私は謎。私はユンヌ。

Tell me...who created this world? They may be nearer than you think... Take it from me.この世界にも始まりの神はいるのかしら?案外、すぐそこにいたりして…私がそうだったみたいに。
You don't have to be so formal just because I'm a goddess. Be natural! Talk to me however feels right.女神だからって、かしこまったりしないで。好きなように喋っていいのよ。私は自由が好き。
Desire more. Demand more. It's fine to live your life with abandon.もっと求めなさい。もっと欲しがりなさい。もっと自由に生きていいのよ。
Flawed, self-centered, driven by desire... I find myself drawn to the foibles of these creatures of flesh.不完全で、身勝手で…とどまることなく、欲し続ける。そんな人の性質に、私は惹かれるの。
Can I really have an adventure in another world? Or am I dreaming again, inside a galdr of sealing...?まさか、異世界を冒険できるなんて!それとも、また夢を見ているのかしら?封印の呪歌の中で…

친구 방문

Your friend believes in you. You must believe in them, too.[フレンド]はあなたを信じてる。あなたも信じてあげてね。

레벨 업

On my name, I swear it—the Goddess's Blessing will come to everyone.我が名に誓って皆に女神の加護を…
I continue to change. This makes me happy.私もまだ、変化してゆくのね。なんだか嬉しいわ。
Defeat and destruction are far more interesting than stasis.どんな敗北も、どんな破滅も、変わらないよりは楽しいものよ。


My power ripples and changes... Do I have this world to thank for that?私の知らない力が満ちて…これも異世界の成せる業?

5성 40레벨 달성

Here I am, far from my own world. This is not something I anticipated!
But... No, I'm not bothered... My curiosity has been ignited. I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.
This world is a crucible of chaos... Just what I like to soak in.
You hope, take, give, kill, struggle... Out of all of those needs and desires, hate and strife are born.
My other half could never countenance this. She might just destroy this beautiful mess one day...
You—you're my champion. We must continue fighting for this world!





오의 발동

Is that all?可能性を見せて
How endearing!人は愛しい
So emotional!悲しくて、嬉しい
Any fight left?まだ戦える?


A new transformation...これもまた…変化ね…


I am...freedom. Chaos. Transformation. Future. Mystery. I am Yune.私は自由。私は混沌。私は変化。私は未来。私は謎。私はユンヌ。
Oh! You got me! Now it's my turn!きゃっ!? ふふっ、やったわね。お返しよ!
"Dark god"? No, I'm pretty sure I'm not one of those. I am neither holy nor base, neither angel nor devil.私は邪神なんかじゃないわ。私は聖でも、邪でもない。
Ashera is neither kind nor loving to the beings of this world.アスタルテは人の味方じゃないわ。だって、彼女は聖でも邪でもないもの。
You should strive to get what you want. Challenge your fate. When all else fails, you can still die fighting.挑んで、挑んで、また挑んで……それでだめなら、挑みながら死んでいけばいい…
These creatures are made of some tough meat. Do they even need to hear the divine word?人はたくましいわね。あの子たちはもう、神の言葉を必要としていない…
I have never been alone. There has always been someone else, singing comfort to me.私は一人じゃない。誰かがいつも傍にいて…暖かい気持ちで包んでくれる…

아군 턴 터치

Why not?いいわ
It's your future...人の未来を…
I am mystery.私は謎

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