홍칠의 닌자 제르기우스/대사


I am Zelgius. If I must split open the heavens and part the very seas to fulfill my duty, I will.我が名はゼルギウス……天を裂き、海を分けてでも務めを果たしてご覧にいれる。

I am not used to speaking, even when asked to.無言を貫くことには慣れている。
My armor is my pride. However, it concealed my true identity—so you could say it is also my shame.騎士の鎧は私にとっての誇りだ。だが、それをもって正体を隠し、自分を偽っていた面もあるのかもしれぬ。
A ninja is light on his feet. I am not.忍者の基本は身軽に走ること…重装の騎士とは全く逆といえる。
I may not be a ninja, but I do have some practice in keeping my presence a secret.忍は気配を悟られぬよう行動せよ……か。いまの私には造作もないことだ。前例があるのでな。
Battles alone do not end wars. Little as I can stomach it, politicking is often required as well.戦争は正面の戦だけでは終わらぬ。権力というもの、人の浅ましさというものを私はいやというほど味わった……

친구 방문

Take this gift, and go forward in good health. So says your friend [Friend].[フレンド]は貴殿の壮健を願っている。さ、これを受け取られよ。

레벨 업

Scaling mountains, vaulting over chasms—I will do what I must to finish my mission.山を越え、谷を飛び――求めに応じて馳せ参じる。私のすべきことは、何も変わっていない。
Being in this new world, I am learning who I truly am. As we all are.異界にあればこそ、己の本質も見えよう。私も、貴殿たちもな。
I am weak. Perhaps I should hang back and observe the enemy's movements.ここで潜伏し、敵の動きを見るか……


If one can resolve a conflict without blood, it is their imperative to do so.いかな敵同士であろうと、命を奪わずに済むならばその道を選ぶ。それが私の主義だ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ninja lurk in the shadows, working in the service of secret masters. In stealth and combat skill, they excel.
I, too, once operated in secret, concealing my visage and identity. In that way, I, too, am a ninja.
Or at the very least, what I did was not totally different.
I am a knight, and always will be. But I have learned much from using more of the ninja's techniques.
You must always be looking to grow your skills. That is what my master taught me.





오의 발동

Prepare to bleed.覚悟はいいか
Without mercy.容赦はしない
Such is war.戦は戦だ
I will triumph.勝たせてもらう




I will attend any festival, if I am ordered to.命令であれば、どのような祭りであろうと参加しよう。
I assume you meant to do that. Now tell me why.…人違いというわけでもなさそうだが、何がしたいのだ?
The ninja's approach to combat is antithetical to my own.忍者とやらの戦闘は、私が得意とするところとは対極にある。
When I was told of this outfit, I had my misgivings. But it has proven fearsome enough.どのような仮装かと思っていたが…物々しさはあまり変わらんな。
I choose to view this as a chance to master a new weapon. It is more palatable that way.新たな武器を習得できると思えば悪くない機会といえる。
So many smiling faces... Is this what peace looks like?このような光景が…平和というものか…
Do I not look out of place here? ...Very well. I will trust in your judgment.私は場違いではないか? …そうか。貴殿がそういうなら信じよう。

아군 턴 터치

Direct me.指示を
I'll follow through.任務だ

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